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The Transcribe workflow encompasses a reading of the image and development of a linked annotated transliteration.

The input to this workflow is an image. The outcome is an annotated diplomatic transliteration linked syllable-by-syllable to signs (akṣara, characters or glyphs) on the segmented image. This fixed reference system, much like the grid laid out at an archaeological excavation, is the predicate for subsequent workflows; the substrate upon which later analysis strata are registered.

The Transcribe workflow includes iterative processes for an initial reading of the image and for development of a linked annotated transliteration. These activities are generally undertaken in parallel. Upon establishment of the substrate, the researcher can:

Reading Activity

A researcher reads the image and identifies each individual sign in physical line order with a bounding box.

This activity encompasses processes for:

This activity employs the following Features:

⊕ Image VE // Sub-Features: Navigation, Adjustment, Segmentation, Syllable Linker

Transliteration Activity

A researcher develops a syllable-by-syllable transliteration for each physical line of the text. This diplomatic transliteration includes word breaks and text critical mark-up. The researcher links this transliteration to the sign segments established on the image. This activity encompasses processes for:

The input to this activity is a segmented image and the initial output is a diplomatic transliteration; the basis for subsequent linkage to the segmented image. This established substrate is the basis for subsequent analysis and studies workflows.

This activity employs the following Features:

⊕ Edition VE // Sub-Features: Development, Editing, Segment Linker, Text critical mark-up

Annotation Activity

A researcher annotates individual syllables, words and compounds with notes on alternative readings.  This activity encompasses processes for:

The input to this activity is a diplomatic transliteration and the output is an annotated diplomatic transliteration.  This annotated substrate is the basis for the subsequent analysis workflow.

This activity employs the following Features:

⊕ Edition VE // Sub-Features: Selection
⊕ Annotation Component // Sub-Features: Edition Annotation
⊕ Properties Component // Sub-Features: Structure Properties, Edition Properties

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