Angkor Sanskrit Inscriptions


This project objectives were to pilot the integration of a Sanskrit inscriptions corpus from Angkor, Cambodia (7th-13th century CE) with geographic information system GIS mapping from the Angkor Toponymic Atlas and with historical scholarship on the region and its inscriptions.  Previously, multiple editions of these inscriptions were transliterated, catalogued and archived inconsistently, constraining any integrated analysis.
The initial phase of focussed on the deconstruction of historical editions to create cubed TextBases which encapsulate the scholarly history of each inscription through multiple cloned edition substrates, each with critical annotations. Subsequent phases included the development of glossary, translation and historical annotation analysis strata.

Research Proposition

The research proposition was to ‘establish a digital platform to integrate the corpus of 7th–13th century Sanskrit and Khmer Angkorian inscriptions with the GIS dataset of the Angkor Toponymic Atlas and historical scholarship and transform historical analysis by synthesizing the philological precision of epigraphy with the locational power of digital mapping’.

Research Results

The merged corpus aggregate produced in the project has proven productive in establishing; import specifications for Sanskrit texts, glossary standards for Angkorian Sanskrit, implementation standards for historical annotation, implementation standards and ontology for toponym annotation, and design parameters for application programmatic interface (API) integration with GIS platforms.