Training: Module 1


Generate a TextBase

Generate a TextBase to begin the process of analysing research in READ.

Before you start, make sure you have created a transliteration that READ will recognize.

  1. From the Workbench homepage, open Text Alignment.
  2. Fill out the Text Alignment form.
    • Alignment Type: Choose Generate from the drop-down menu.
    • TextBase Name: Enter a unique name for the TextBase. This can be the same as the Text ID. Add your surname at the beginning so you don’t clash with other people doing this training (e.g. Surname_CKI00320-1).
    • Text ID: Enter the Item ID (e.g. CKI00320) followed by the text number (e.g. 1), separated by a hyphen (e.g. CKI00320-1).
    • Text Title: Enter the name given to the text. You can use special characters here.
    • Text Reference: Enter the Item ID (e.g. CKI00320) and Text Number (e.g. 1), separated by a hyphen and followed by a period. Don’t include any preceding 0 (e.g. CKI320-1.).
    • Edition Title: Enter the name given to the edition. This can be the same as the Text Title but should be the actual name used by the editor of this edition. You can use special characters here.
    • Bibliography: Enter the surname and year (e.g. Konow) or volume and publication year (e.g. 1929) of the associated bibliographic reference.
    • Image: Upload the baseline image(s) for your text.
    • Item ID: Enter the ID for your baseline image.
    • Item Title: Enter a description of the physical object.
    • Text transliteration: Upload your transliteration.
    • Term SQL File: If you have an alternative term.sql file, you can upload it to generate the term table in the database but we can ignore this unless we are doing custom generation.
  3. Click Import.
    If your import is unsuccessful, you’ll see a red panel with error details.

    You’ll need to go back and check that you haven’t used any invalid characters like % or # in your transliteration and that you’ve filled out the generation form correctly.
    If it’s successful, you’ll see a green panel at the top of the screen with a link to the newly-generated TextBase.
  4. Click the link to open it, or you can open it through My TextBases on the homepage.

Well done, you’ve generated your TextBase. Now you can move on to segmenting the akṣaras in the image, which will enable you link the text to the image.